Saturday, September 16, 2006

er, Bam?

I think that's your name... Forgive me if I address you improperly. My mother would have my head--not to mention I'd be grounded forevah if I got this wrong.

Anyway, Bam snarked my cover here--


First, I simply MUST clear up the innuendo my fellow author and RT lunch partner created. Evangeline Anderson said I was hilarious (thank you, darling :) ). Now this after a Changeling Press luncheon where I re-told the story of the "great tiara nabbing". You know the one. The one where Shelly Laurenston gets a tiara and wears it like she owns da joint? Yes, that's the one. LOL

Anyhoodles, Evangeline retold this on the snark chick's site in the comments after my cover snarking. She said lovely things about me. And thank you, babe. I loved meeting you!

However, she improperly told it and I fully intend to hold her responsible whenst next we meet again. Oh, and we WILL meet again, my love. LMAO. Evangeline told the cover snark chick I was calling myself the queen of SEX. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Now all who know me know fer sure, I am lukewarm, baby. All fluff, no substance. Not an eyeball singe in sight outta my books. NOTHING like Ms. Evangeline. Smokin' hot--go look her up and buy her books :) They're worthy of asbestos gloves and the fire department.

In reality (you know, the one Evangeline wasn't in? LOL), I was telling the story of Shelly and her sudden transformation into Ms. Long Island 2006 after improper use of a tiara. it had nothing to do with sex.

Do you see how rumors get started? Do you have any idea what would happen if I woke up and everyone thought I was the queen of SEX?

Jesus, the world would quit turning on its axis! You'd all be in a sorry state if you looked to me.

Soooooooo, Bam (damn, I hope that's right. Cuz if it ain't, I'm soooo gonna kill Jaynie. LOL), thanks for a snort and tell that damned Evangeline to quit putting so much freakin' pressure on me. LOLLOL

Oh, and Barb--I'm sooo glad you like CP books--the authors love you back, but I maintain--do NOT reconsider ANY books written by me. I'd be all kinds of verklempt if you wasted your money and the curse of romantic comedies wasn't broken...LOLLOL

Thanks again, ladies!

Dakota :)


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